On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 08:47:55AM -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

> Does OpenSSL have documented someplace exactly what it means to have a

It is a certificate + auxiliary data which specifies a friendly name
plus a set of EKUs.

> For example, say we're talking about a certificate that i am willing to
> accept for the peer foo.example.  If i mark it TRUSTED and it has
> another SubjectAltName of bar.example, will OpenSSL subsequently accept
> it for bar.example as well?


There is no explicit association with a particular peer, it is up
to the application to add corresponding "trusted certificates" to
the store when validating particular peers for which such certificates
have been configured.  If such a certificate is added to the default
store, then it will apply to all cases with a matching EKU.

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