On 04/27/2015 02:47 AM, Annuradha Gupta wrote:
> Hi 
> I wanted to understand FIPS 140-2 support, on Mac 32/64 and iOS 32/64.
> Which version of OpenSSL will have the required support for these platforms.

Mac support is unknown (not in process and no prospective sponsors).

64bit iOS is pending, held up by the "hostage" issue[*]. All the
hands-on testing is done and we're in the wait-on-the-bureaucracy phase.
 My best guess at this point is another two or three months. That
revision will probably be called 2.0.10, but it won't be a revision of
the #1747 validation. Instead it will be the first revision of the
pending new "salvage edition" validation[**]. It will be the same
tarball as if we were allowed to update the #1747 validation directly,

-Steve M.

[*] http://openssl.com/fips/hostage.html

[**] http://openssl.com/fips/ransom.html

Steve Marquess
OpenSSL Software Foundation, Inc.
1829 Mount Ephraim Road
Adamstown, MD  21710
+1 877 673 6775 s/b
+1 301 874 2571 direct
gpg/pgp key: http://openssl.com/docs/0x6D1892F5.asc
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