> As previously mentioned in a different context, it is a bedrock principle of
> sound reasoning and sound planning that one should
>    /Consider all the plausible scenarios./

Sure, but they don't all get equal weight.  We've posted on our mailing lists 
and asked for feedback.  We can't do the transitive closure of everyone who 
uses openssl, it's too widespread.  We have to trust that groups who prepare 
distributions for downstream know what their users are doing, etc.  Many of 
them are on this list and have spoken up; including RH and Debian.

> They can search for other ways of doing what needs to be done, on a non-
> emergency basis.

The algorithm is pretty simple: read the release notes, it will say "Kerberos 
support has been removed."  If this is a problem, don't upgrade.

I find the tenor and strength of your feelings here a little out of character.

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