On 5/31/2015 2:46 AM, noloa...@gmail.com via RT wrote:
apps.c has a couple of parsing routines called load_pubkey and
load_key. rsautl uses those routines.

However, there's no option in rsautil to use anything other than a
ASN.1/DER or PEM encoded traditional key (or subject public key info).
The code paths are present, we just can't seem to get to them.

The load_pubkey already has code to support FORMAT_PEMRSA
and call PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey

Looking at OpenSSL 1.0.2, it looks like the problem is more in
apps.c in the str2fmt that does not have an option to set FORMAT_PEMRSA

Folks in the field have problem with it on occasion. See, for example,
"Can't load programmatically generated public key,"

This patch adds an intelligent fallback:

     /* rsautl does not offer a way to specify just a public key. It
requires a */
     /*   subjectPublicKeyInfo, and there's no argument or option to
switch to  */
     /*   the other type with either ASN.1/DER or PEM. This attempts to
make an */
     /*   intelligent retry. */
     if(keyformat == FORMAT_PEM) {
         next_format = FORMAT_PEMRSA;
     } if(keyformat == FORMAT_ASN1) {
         next_format = FORMAT_ASN1RSA;
     } else {
         next_format = -1;

     switch (key_type) {
     case KEY_PRIVKEY:
         pkey = load_key(keyfile, keyformat, 0, passin, e, "Private
Key", 0 /*last_try*/);
         if(!pkey && next_format != -1) { pkey = load_key(keyfile,
next_format, 0, passin, e, "Private Key", 1 /*last_try*/); }

     case KEY_PUBKEY:
         pkey = load_pubkey(keyfile, keyformat, 0, NULL, e, "Public
Key", 0 /*last_try*/);
         if(!pkey && next_format != -1) { pkey = load_pubkey(keyfile,
next_format, 0, NULL, e, "Public Key", 1 /*last_try*/); }

Then, functions load_key and load_pubkey suppress the error messages
if last_try is 0:

     if (pkey == NULL && last_try) {
         BIO_printf(bio_err, "unable to load %s\n", key_descrip);

All in all, existing behavior and error messages are maintained. The
subcommand is just a little more robust.

Related, we might be able to make similar changes to rsa.c. But
there's some extra special sauce present, so it was not a clear
cut-in. I think the special sauce kid of attempts to do the same thing
as above. (Maybe this patch should act more like rsa.c?)

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 Douglas E. Engert  <deeng...@gmail.com>

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