That is what I would like to know.
make clean gives the same error, in the same place.
I am sort of newbie to this and can´t find out where to touch nor how to find 

It  seems make , when
@[ -n "$(THIS)" ] && $(CLEARENV) && $(MAKE) $(THIS) -e $(BUILDENV)

 decides  $(BUILD_CMD) expands Doubling the parms in error.

The previous assignment is:

>>> Makefile: line 0: Defined macro INCDEPTH=0
>>> Makefile: line 7: Defined macro VERSION=1.0.2a
>>> Makefile: line 8: Defined macro MAJOR=1
>>> Makefile: line 9: Defined macro MINOR=0.2
>>> Makefile: line 10: Defined macro SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER=1.0.0
>>> Makefile: line 11: Defined macro SHLIB_VERSION_HISTORY=
>>> Makefile: line 12: Defined macro SHLIB_MAJOR=1
>>> Makefile: line 13: Defined macro SHLIB_MINOR=0.0
>>> Makefile: line 14: Defined macro SHLIB_EXT=
>>> Makefile: line 15: Defined macro PLATFORM=OS390-Unix
>>> Makefile: line 16: Defined macro OPTIONS=-zlib no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 
>>> no-gmp no-jpake no-krb5 no-libunbound no-md2 no-rc5 no-rfc3779 no-sctp 
>>> no-shared no-ssl-trace no-store no-unit-test no-zlib no-zlib-dynamic 
>>> static-engine
>>> Makefile: line 17: Defined macro CONFIGURE_ARGS=OS390-Unix -no-krb5 -zlib
>>> Makefile: line 18: Defined macro SHLIB_TARGET=
>>> Makefile: line 23: Defined macro HERE=.
>>> Makefile: line 28: Defined macro INSTALL_PREFIX=
>>> Makefile: line 29: Defined macro INSTALLTOP=/usr/local/ssl
>>> Makefile: line 32: Defined macro OPENSSLDIR=/usr/local/ssl
>>> Makefile: line 62: Defined macro
>>> Makefile: line 63: Defined macro CFLAG=-zlib -O -DB_ENDIAN -DCHARSET_EBCDIC 
>>> Makefile: line 64: Defined macro DEPFLAG=-DOPENSSL_NO_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128 
>>> Makefile: line 65: Defined macro PEX_LIBS=
>>> Makefile: line 66: Defined macro EX_LIBS=
>>> Makefile: line 67: Defined macro EXE_EXT=
>>> Makefile: line 68: Defined macro ARFLAGS=
>>> Makefile: line 69: Defined macro AR=ar $(ARFLAGS) r
>>> Makefile: line 70: Defined macro RANLIB=true
>>> Makefile: line 71: Defined macro NM=nm
>>> Makefile: line 72: Defined macro PERL=/usr/local/perl-5.16.2/bin/perl
>>> Makefile: line 73: Defined macro TAR=tar
>>> Makefile: line 74: Defined macro TARFLAGS=--no-recursion
>>> Makefile: line 75: Defined macro MAKEDEPPROG=makedepend
>>> Makefile: line 76: Defined macro LIBDIR=lib
>>> Makefile: line 83: Defined macro AS=$(CC) -c
>>> Makefile: line 84: Defined macro ASFLAG=$(CFLAG)
>>> Makefile: line 88: Defined macro PROCESSOR=
>>> Makefile: line 91: Defined macro CPUID_OBJ=mem_clr.o
>>> Makefile: line 92: Defined macro BN_ASM=bn_asm.o
>>> Makefile: line 93: Defined macro EC_ASM=
>>> Makefile: line 94: Defined macro DES_ENC=des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o
>>> Makefile: line 95: Defined macro AES_ENC=aes_core.o aes_cbc.o
>>> Makefile: line 96: Defined macro BF_ENC=bf_enc.o
>>> Makefile: line 97: Defined macro CAST_ENC=c_enc.o
>>> Makefile: line 98: Defined macro RC4_ENC=rc4_enc.o rc4_skey.o
>>> Makefile: line 99: Defined macro RC5_ENC=rc5_enc.o
>>> Makefile: line 100: Defined macro MD5_ASM_OBJ=
>>> Makefile: line 101: Defined macro SHA1_ASM_OBJ=
>>> Makefile: line 102: Defined macro RMD160_ASM_OBJ=
>>> Makefile: line 103: Defined macro WP_ASM_OBJ=wp_block.o
>>> Makefile: line 104: Defined macro CMLL_ENC=camellia.o cmll_misc.o cmll_cbc.o
>>> Makefile: line 105: Defined macro MODES_ASM_OBJ=
>>> Makefile: line 106: Defined macro ENGINES_ASM_OBJ=
>>> Makefile: line 107: Defined macro PERLASM_SCHEME=
>>> Makefile: line 110: Defined macro KRB5_INCLUDES=
>>> Makefile: line 111: Defined macro LIBKRB5=
>>> Makefile: line 114: Defined macro ZLIB_INCLUDE=
>>> Makefile: line 115: Defined macro LIBZLIB=
>>> Makefile: line 118: Defined macro FIPSDIR=/usr/local/ssl/fips-2.0
>>> Makefile: line 127: Defined macro FIPSLIBDIR=
>>> Makefile: line 134: Defined macro FIPSCANLIB=
>>> Makefile: line 139: Defined macro BASEADDR=0xFB00000
>>> Makefile: line 141: Defined macro DIRS=crypto ssl engines apps test tools
>>> Makefile: line 142: Defined macro ENGDIRS=ccgost
>>> Makefile: line 143: Defined macro SHLIBDIRS=crypto ssl
>>> Makefile: line 153: Defined macro SDIRS=objects  md4 md5 sha mdc2 hmac 
>>> ripemd whrlpool  des aes rc2 rc4 idea bf cast camellia seed modes  bn ec 
>>> rsa dsa ecdsa dh ecdh dso engine  buffer bio stack lhash rand err  evp asn1 
>>> pem x509 x509v3 conf txt_db pkcs7 pkcs12 comp ocsp ui krb5  cms pqueue ts 
>>> srp cmac
>>> Makefile: line 159: Defined macro TESTS=alltests
>>> Makefile: line 161: Defined macro MAKEFILE=Makefile
>>> Makefile: line 163: Defined macro MANDIR=$(OPENSSLDIR)/man
>>> Makefile: line 164: Defined macro MAN1=1
>>> Makefile: line 165: Defined macro MAN3=3
>>> Makefile: line 166: Defined macro MANSUFFIX=
>>> Makefile: line 167: Defined macro HTMLSUFFIX=html
>>> Makefile: line 168: Defined macro HTMLDIR=$(OPENSSLDIR)/html
>>> Makefile: line 169: Defined macro SHELL=/bin/sh
>>> Makefile: line 171: Defined macro TOP=.
>>> Makefile: line 172: Defined macro ONEDIRS=out tmp
>>> Makefile: line 173: Defined macro EDIRS=times doc bugs util include certs 
>>> ms shlib mt demos perl sf dep VMS
>>> Makefile: line 174: Defined macro WDIRS=windows
>>> Makefile: line 175: Defined macro LIBS=libcrypto.a libssl.a
>>> Makefile: line 176: Defined macro SHARED_CRYPTO=libcrypto$(SHLIB_EXT)
>>> Makefile: line 177: Defined macro SHARED_SSL=libssl$(SHLIB_EXT)
>>> Makefile: line 178: Defined macro SHARED_LIBS=
>>> Makefile: line 179: Defined macro SHARED_LIBS_LINK_EXTS=
>>> Makefile: line 180: Defined macro SHARED_LDFLAGS=
>>> Makefile: line 182: Defined macro GENERAL=Makefile
>>> Makefile: line 183: Defined macro BASENAME=openssl
>>> Makefile: line 184: Defined macro NAME=$(BASENAME)-$(VERSION)
>>> Makefile: line 185: Defined macro TARFILE=$(NAME).tar
>>> Makefile: line 186: Defined macro WTARFILE=$(NAME)-win.tar
>>> Makefile: line 187: Defined macro EXHEADER=e_os2.h
>>> Makefile: line 188: Defined macro HEADER=e_os.h

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Richard Levitte via RT []
Enviado el: domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015 18:59
Para: Hidalgo Eguiagaray, Rafael
Asunto: [ #3864] OS390 Bug: Make fails

It's unclear to me what needs to change. Would you mind helping us figure it 

On Tue May 26 20:06:21 2015, wrote:
> Make Output (tail ):
> >>> Makefile: line 206: Defined macro CLEARENV=TOP= && unset TOP
> >>> Makefile: line 242: Defined macro BUILDENV=PLATFORM='$(PLATFORM)'
> AS='$(CC)' ASFLAG='$(CFLAG) -c' AR='$(AR)'
> MAKEDEPEND='$$$${TOP}/util/domd $$$${TOP} -MD $(MAKEDEPPROG)'
> RC4_ENC='$(RC4_ENC)' RC5_ENC='$(RC5_ENC)'
> RMD160_ASM_OBJ='$(RMD160_ASM_OBJ)'
> >>> Makefile: line 264: Defined macro BUILD_CMD=if [ -d "$$dir" ];
> then ( cd $$dir && echo "making $$target in $$dir..." &&
> $(CLEARENV) && $(MAKE) -e $(BUILDENV) TOP=.. DIR=$$dir $$target )
> || exit 1; fi
> >>> Makefile: line 266: Defined macro RECURSIVE_BUILD_CMD=for dir in
> $(DIRS); do $(BUILD_CMD); done
> >>> Makefile: line 267: Defined macro BUILD_ONE_CMD=if expr " $(DIRS)
> " : ".* $$dir " >/dev/null 2>&1; then $(BUILD_CMD); fi
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [&&] in
> target list
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [&&] in
> target list
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [-O] in
> target list
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [-
> DB_ENDIAN] in target list
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [-
> DCHARSET_EBCDIC] in target list
> make: Makefile: line 270: Warning -- FSUM9432 Duplicate entry [-
> DNO_SYS_PARAM_H] in target list
> >>> Defined macro INCDEPTH=0
> make: Error -- FSUM8229 Incomplete rule recipe group detected
> Operating System : OS3090-Unix == zOS 1.13
> Open SSL 1.02a, from openssl-1.0.2a.tar untared with : pax -rf
> openssl-1.0.2a.tar -ofrom=ISO8859-1,to=IBM-1047
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Richard Levitte

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