On 18/09/15 20:46, Richard Levitte wrote:
> In message <d221dc6b.1f354%...@ll.mit.edu> on Fri, 18 Sep 2015 19:23:09 
> +0000, "Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL" <u...@ll.mit.edu> said:
> uri> On 9/18/15, 15:15 , "Richard Levitte" <rich...@levitte.org> wrote:
> uri> 
> uri> >Did you apply the full patch?  The was a part for
> uri> >test/recipes/70-test_sslextension.t that should have had it generate
> uri> >debugging output...
> uri> 
> uri> Yes I’m sure I did. And I’m as surprised as you are to not see the
> uri> expected output from at least “Message.pm”…
> You can look for yourself, $proxy should be assigned like this:
> my $proxy = TLSProxy::Proxy->new(
>     \&extension_filter,
>     cmdstr(app(["openssl"])),
>     top_file("apps", "server.pem"),
>     1        # <========= This is what turns on the debugging output
> );

I encountered a problem with this the other day. Something in the
translation to the new test framework has borked debugging output. It
only seems to have affected stdout.

I had to additionally add this after the above line:
open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR");

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