Hi Christian,

A similar patch was already applied to the master branch - see
https://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=3346 and commit

You could cherry-pick the commit and apply it to the 1.0.2 branch.


Peter Mosmans

On 12-10-2015 12:03, christian fafard via RT wrote:
> I'm sorry for that mess with the previous message.There was no CRLF because 
> it was copy-pasted from emacs.
> What i tried to say basically is that the "negate regex match" (!/^0$$/) 
> constructused in the line 244 of 'test/Makefile' does not work with some 
> versions of perl.Like for exemple, perl v5.8.8 in the MinGW/msys distibution.
> That's the reason why 'make test' fail on that platform.
> My proposal is to invert the if/else actions to get rid of the negation in 
> the expression (/^0$$/).
> So the line:
> @<tmp.bntest sh -c "`sh ./bctest ignore`" | $(PERL) -e '$$i=0; while 
> (<STDIN>) {if (/^test (.*)/) {print STDERR "\nverify $$1";} elsif (!/^0$$/) 
> {die "\nFailed! bc: $$_";} else {print STDERR "."; $$i++;}} print STDERR 
> "\n$$i tests passed\n"'
> would became:
> @<tmp.bntest sh -c "`sh ./bctest ignore`" | $(PERL) -e '$$i=0; while 
> (<STDIN>) {if (/^test (.*)/) {print STDERR "\nverify $$1";} elsif (/^0$$/) 
> {print STDERR "."; $$i++;} else {die "\nFailed! bc: $$_";}} print STDERR 
> "\n$$i tests passed\n"'
> I attached a patch.
> ThanksChristian                                         
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