
zoli> > (unfortunately, "cpan install Text::Template" doesn't work because
zoli> > there's a lack of action lines in the test: target it its Makefile,
zoli> > and mms isn't too happy about that...)

That's tough, unfortunately...  I've only access to a V8.4 cluster
(Alpha and IA64), so I don't know how to help you further.  Of course,
there's the option to build perl from source, which isn't very hard at
all (I've done so a few times).

I do have access to VAX, Alpha and IA64 architectures... on range of 7.3 to 8.3 OpenVMS versions.
Also I do have functional perl installed on them.
I am not the problem here, but ordinary developers that work on an old system developing for a legacy program and do not have SYSTEM rights - what is the common case.
The build solution should be designed to be usable by those developers too.

Well, the aim is to have a common structure to build from on all
architectures we claim to support.  You've seen for yourself how the
scripts for VMS builds were lagging behind, and quite frankly, it's
hellish to keep them up to date (I've completely dropped the ball for
1.1).  That's not something I'm willing to have us do all over again.

Absolutely agree with you. This is the way forward.

May I ask you, if the new build will cover the long names issue ( symhacks.h ) too?


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