On 30/03/16 15:55, The Doctor wrote:
> Just got
> make && make test
> +-DPOLY1305_ASM -DOPENSSLDIR="\"/usr/contrib\""
> +-DENGINESDIR="\"/usr/contrib/lib/engines\"" -DPERL5 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIOS
> +-fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -march=i486 -Wall -g -fPIC -Iinclude -I.
> +-Icrypto/include -c -o crypto/mem_dbg.o crypto/mem_dbg.c
> crypto/mem_dbg.c: In function `CRYPTO_mem_leaks':
> crypto/mem_dbg.c:660: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> crypto/mem_dbg.c:662: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> *** Error code 1
> And what are these lines?
>     /* Don't count the BIO that was passed in as a "leak" */
>     if (ml.seen && ml.chunks >= 1 && ml.bytes >= (int)sizeof (*b)) {
>         ml.chunks--;
>         ml.bytes -= (int)sizeof (*b);
>     }
> Please fix 

I have a patch for this already in review.

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