>>>>> Valgrind does not necessarily support all instructions, if
>>>>> there’s
>>>>> any optimized assembly, you might run into problems.
>>>>> Are you able to compile a non-assembly version of the OpenSSL
>>>>> library?
>>>>> Are you able to update to a newer Valgrind?
>>>> Or at least tell valgrind version, because I can't reproduce the
>>>> problem
>>>> with 3.10.1. At any event you can also see if it's problem with
>>>> unsupported instructions, unsupported by [your version of]
>>>> valgrind
>>>> that
>>>> is, by manipulating OPENSSL_ia32cap environment variable. You can
>>>> disable AVX2 code paths by setting it to :~0x20 or simply :0 if
>>>> it
>>>> runs into more "too-new-to-be-possible" instructions.
>>> I tried with valgrind-3.11.0.
>> Tough break... One can actually wonder if valgrind tampers with
>> processor capability vector... And it totally does! I.e. even though
>> my
>> processor is AVX2-capable, when executed under my valgrind openssl
>> doesn't see it as AVX2-capable. I suppose your valgrind passed AVX2
>> flag, but failed to recognize all the instructions it should have...
> I believe that's the case too. The same tests succeed without valgrind
> on the same CPU.

In other words it doesn't sound like OpenSSL problem. I suppose ticket
can be closed.

Ticket here: http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=4509
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