> Here's a couple more ways things don't work as expected:
> # ./config CFLAGS="-mx32"
> Operating system: x86_64-whatever-linux2
> Configuring for linux-x86_64
> Configuring OpenSSL version 1.1.0-pre6-dev (0x0x10100006L)
> target already defined - linux-x86_64 (offending arg: CFLAGS=-mx32)
> # ./config -mx32
> Operating system: x86_64-whatever-linux2
> Configuring for linux-x86_64
> ...

There is linux-x32 config line, use that instead. The only question is
*if* x32 should be auto-detected and in such case how. You mentioned
that uname returns x86_64. Of course it does, there is no x32 kernel,
x32 is pure user-land thing. Well, "pure" is overstatement because it
does require certain kernel support, but it's an add-on support for
plain 64-bit kernel. Most 64-bit Linux installations can execute x32
binaries (statically linked if there are no corresponding dynamic
libraries) and x32 installations can execute 64-bit binaries (statically
linked if there are no corresponding dynamic libraries).

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