On Mon Jul 25 15:11:10 2016, levitte wrote:
> On Mon Jul 25 14:28:04 2016, levitte wrote:
> > BUT... I'm realising that when you do recognise a GT3 proxy (I think
> > I've seen
> > check_issued functions being used for that), there's no way for
> > external code
> > to set the proxy path length for the certificate in question. While
> > that's fine
> > for GT2 proxies (there's no pc path length there that I can see), it
> > does need
> > to be properly set for GT3 proxies.
> For this, https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/1348

... and it got through our review process pretty quickly.

All github PRs that have been mentioned so far have now been merged into

I'm closing this ticket on our side (this will hopefully happen on the Debian
side as well) as it seems to be covered by the code that has now been added.

As for everything else that has been discussed here, which also touches on
external methods of verification via the verification callback, I would say
it's out of scope for this ticket. I am interested in these talks, but then by
direct email.


Richard Levitte

Ticket here: http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=4602
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