Thanks for the helping me understand the whole entropy thing better. It is 
still get the feeling that this is a "best effort" thing and that nobody can 
actually proof what is correct. I am probably just bringing the math down to my 
level - sorry.

With that said for validation I still need to be sure that I give the required 
entropy back from the OpenSSL callback. Now since I am not allowed to use a 
hash with the DRBGs (FIPS lab and SP800-90B section 8.4), can you please 
confirm that, with a source of raw 2b/B entropy data, I need to return 4 times 
the data from the callback function?


Leon Brits
System Engineer

Work +27 12 678 9740 Cell +27 84 250 2855 Email 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: openssl-dev [] On Behalf Of
> Paul Dale
> Sent: 28 July 2016 02:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openssl-dev] DRBG entropy
> John's spot on the mark here.  Testing gives a maximum entropy not a
> minimum.  While a maximum is certainly useful, it isn't what you really
> need to guarantee your seeding.
> A simple example which passes the NIST SP800-90B first draft tests with
> flying colours:
>         seed = π - 3
>         for i = 1 to n do
>                 seed = frac(exp(1+2*seed))
>                 entropy[i] = 256 * frac(2^20 * seed)
> where frac is the fractional part function, exp is the exponential
> function.
> I.e. start with the fractional part of the transcendental π and iterate
> with a simple exponential function.  Take bits 21-28 of each iterate as a
> byte of "entropy".  Clearly there is really zero entropy present: the
> formula is simple and deterministic; the floating point arithmetic
> operations will all be correctly rounded; the exponential is evaluated in
> a well behaved area of its curve where there will be minimal rounding
> concerns; the bits being extracted are nowhere near where any rounding
> would occur and any rounding errors will likely be deterministic anyway.
> Yet this passes the SP800-90B (first draft) tests as IID with 7.89 bits of
> entropy per byte!
> IID is a statistical term meaning independent and identically distributed
> which in turn means that each sample doesn't depend on any of the other
> samples (which is clearly incorrect) and that all samples are collected
> from the same distribution.  The 7.89 bits of entropy per byte is pretty
> much as high as the NIST tests will ever say.  According to the test
> suite, we've got an "almost perfect" entropy source.
> There are other test suites if you've got sufficient data.  The Dieharder
> suite is okay, however the TestU01 suite is most discerning I'm currently
> aware of.  Still, neither will provide an entropy estimate for you.  For
> either of these you will need a lot of data -- since you've got a hardware
> RNG, this shouldn't be a major issue.  Avoid the "ent" program, it seems
> to overestimate the maximum entropy present.
> John's suggestion of collecting additional "entropy" and running it
> through a cryptographic has function is probably the best you'll be able
> to achieve without a deep investigation.  As for how much data to collect,
> be conservative.  If the estimate of the maximum entropy is 2.35 bits per
> byte, round this down to 2 bits per byte, 1 bit per byte or even ½ bit per
> byte.  The lower you go the more likely you are to be getting the entropy
> you want.  The trade-off is the time for the hardware to generate the data
> and for the processor to hash it together.
> Pauli
> --
> Oracle
> Dr Paul Dale | Cryptographer | Network Security & Encryption Phone +61 7
> 3031 7217 Oracle Australia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Denker []
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 July 2016 11:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openssl-dev] DRBG entropy
> On 07/27/2016 05:13 AM, Leon Brits wrote:
> >
> > I have a chip (FDK RPG100) that generates randomness, but the
> > SP800-90B python test suite indicated that the chip only provides
> > 2.35 bits/byte of entropy. According to FIPS test lab the lowest value
> > from all the tests are used as the entropy and 2 is too low. I must
> > however make use of this chip.
> That's a problem on several levels.
> For starters, keep in mind the following maxim:
>      Testing can certainty show the absence of entropy.
>      Testing can never show the presence of entropy.
> That is to say, you have ascertained that 2.35 bits/byte is an /upper
> bound/ on the entropy density coming from the chip.  If you care about
> security, you need a lower bound.  Despite what FIPS might lead you to
> believe, you cannot obtain this from testing.
> The only way to obtain it is by understanding how the chip works.
> This might require a treeeemendous amount of effort and expertise.
> ================
> Secondly, entropy is probably not even the correct concept.  For any given
> probability distribution P, i.e. for any given ensemble, there are many
> measurable properties (i.e. functionals) you might look at.
> Entropy is just one of them.  It measures a certain /average/ property.
> For cryptologic security, depending on your threat model, it is quite
> possible that you ought to be looking at something else.  It may help to
> look at this in terms of the Rényi functionals:
>   H_0[P] = multiplicity      = Hartley functional
>   H_1[P] = plain old entropy = Boltzmann functional
>   H_∞[P] = adamance
> The entropy H_1 may be appropriate if the attacker needs to break all
> messages, or a "typical" subset of messages.  The adamance H_∞ may be more
> appropriate if there are many messages and the attacker can win by
> breaking any one of them.
> To say the same thing in other words:
>  -- A small multiplicity (H_0) guarantees the problem is easy for the
> attacker.
>  -- A large adamance (H_∞) guarantees the problem is hard for the
> attacker.
> ================
> Now let us fast-forward and suppose, hypothetically, that you have
> obtained a lower bound on what the chip produces.
> One way to proceed is to use a hash function.  For clarity, let's pick
> SHA-256.  Obtain from the chip not just 256 bits of adamance, but 24 bits
> more than that, namely 280 bits.  This arrives in the form of a string of
> bytes, possibly hundreds of bytes.  Run this through the hash function.
> The output word is 32 bytes i.e. 256 bits of high-quality randomness.  The
> key properties are:
>  a) There will be 255.99 bits of randomness per word, guaranteed
>   with high probability, more than high enough for all practical
>   purposes.
>  b) It will be computationally infeasible to locate or exploit
>   the missing 0.01 bit.
> Note that it is not possible to obtain the full 256 bits of randomness in
> a 256-bit word.  Downstream applications must be designed so that 255.99
> is good enough.
> ========
> As with all of crypto, this requires attention to detail.  You need to
> protect the hash inputs, outputs, and all intermediate calculations.  For
> example, you don't want such things to get swapped out.
> --
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