as __atomic_* is non-standard, I propose guarding with __GNUC__
The C11 standard names are atomic_*
Would be nice if they could be supported ?

>-- Original Message --
>To only allow the use of __atomic_add_fetch when __ATOMIC_RELAXED is non-zero
>isn't the right move here. So it seems that different compilers either only
>implement a subset of the __atomic builtins, or name them differently.
>What was the macro defined by the DeveloperStudio compiler? __SUNPRO_C or
>something else? In that case, the correct method might be to exclude it, like
>#if defined(__ATOMIC_RELAXED) && !defined(__SUNPRO_C)
>On Mon Aug 08 08:33:34 2016, wrote:
>> Hello,
>> % ./Configure solaris-x86-cc
>> % make
>> :
>> Undefined first referenced
>> symbol in file
>> __atomic_add_fetch ./
>> ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to
>> fuzz/asn1parse-test
>> % ./Configure solaris64-x86_64-cc
>> % make
>> has the same error.
>> Tested on Solaris10 x86/64, with Solaris developerstudio12.5.
>> This is caused because __ATOMIC_RELAXED is #defined as 0
>> in /opt/developerstudio12.5/lib/compilers/include/CC/gnu/builtins.h
>> Sample patch:
>> --- ../openssl-1.1.0-pre6.orig/crypto/threads_pthread.c
>> +++ ./crypto/threads_pthread.c
>> @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
>> int CRYPTO_atomic_add(int *val, int amount, int *ret, CRYPTO_RWLOCK
>> *lock)
>> {
>> -#ifdef __ATOMIC_RELAXED
>> *ret = __atomic_add_fetch(val, amount, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
>> #else
>> if (!CRYPTO_THREAD_write_lock(lock))
>> With this patch,
>> % ./Configure solaris-x86-cc
>> % make
>> % make test
>> passes.
>> % ./Configure solaris64-x86_64-cc
>> % make
>> passes but
>> % make test
>> stops.
>> This is another problem, which seems to be the same as bug #4641.
>> Regards,
>> --- Kiyoshi <>
>Richard Levitte
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