Richard Levitte via RT <> wrote:
 |On Thu Sep 01 13:13:44 2016, wrote:
 |> Before sending the last message i looked around on the website (it
 |> has become particularly complicated to find the bug tracker), and
 |> looking at the "go-back" list i saw dozens of "OpenSSL" entries,
 |> rather than rt, "Getting started as a contributor", etc.
 |Not sure what you're on about... I just had a look through the whole set of
 |files, and there's only one page that has that string. This one:
 |As for page titles, all our pages have the title 'OpenSSL'

My name is Hare and i know nothing.
I don't have a Github account (they don't accept hard cash), but
i have found a repository there which seems to be this web page.
The makefile etc. seem to follow security-by-obscurity, but it
seems that you use SSI to generate some load.
If that is really true, the pages could very well be changed to
have a

  <!--#set var="headline" value="XYZ" -->

that is repeated in the <h2> further down via

  <!--#echo var="headline" -->

I must admit that i don't know whether that is working, the last
time i have used SSI was, i think, and if i recall correctly, with
the Xitami webserver, and before 1999?  Can this be correct?  I am
not lying this, anyway.

 |To sum it up, I don't think we have a problem here. Closing this ticket.

I could place this on my (pretty long) TODO and adjust the web
pages as above at some later time.  Because i think you are
mistaken: to me it seems to be bad style and impolite; the latter
not so much because of the filenames, but these you don't see in
the browser navigation buttons of my graphical browser, only in
the history.
Just my one penny.  Ciao.

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