On 09/27/2016 11:24 AM, robin wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Marquess. I understand English documents are
> essential factor to start, and I certainly sure it is not A problem
> to translate these kinds of published standard to English version if
> there's no other unclear reasons.
> In the past, we have several cryptographic algorithms implement in
> different platforms and obviously can contribute to community as a
> reference including test samples.
> If possible, an English copy of standard would be a good start for
> this work?
> It will be great to hear your further information.

Is there currently any documentation at all on these Chinese algorithms?
I'm certainly curious, and I'm sure others in the OpenSSL community will be.

I've had some limited experiences with translations of technical
standards, and from that I know those are the hardest translations of
all. It may well take a lot more manpower to generate quality
translations than to code implementations.

Please keep in mind that the technical documentation is a necessary
prerequisite but not necessarily sufficient. The nature of the
algorithms may be uninteresting (we've declined to accept/implement some
algorithms we judged to be of insufficient virtue or utility, even for
pay). We can be very picky about code contributions too, as any code
added to OpenSSL has to work across a huge spectrum of platforms and be
maintainable for the long haul. We may also not have the resources to
tackle something that would otherwise be of interest (we have a back
catalog of nice-to-have cryptography waiting for a rainy day).

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
OpenSSL Validation Services, Inc.
1829 Mount Ephraim Road
Adamstown, MD  21710
+1 877 673 6775 s/b
+1 301 874 2571 direct
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