In message <> on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 
13:12:14 +0000, David Woodhouse <> said:

dwmw2> On Tue, 2016-11-22 at 14:06 +0100, Richard Levitte wrote:
dwmw2> > 
dwmw2> > Not sure I follow...  'file=/foo/bar/key.pem' is just a path /
dwmw2> > parameter that the 'tpmkey' handler is free to interpret in whatever
dwmw2> > way it sees fit.  For me as a user, it's just a string.  For all I
dwmw2> > care, the URI could just as well be 
dwmw2> > That doesn't say anything about the contents of /foo/bar/key.pem, not
dwmw2> > more than file:/foo/bar/key.pem does, or even if there actually is a
dwmw2> > file /foo/bar/key.pem.  Maybe I misunderstand what you're after...
dwmw2> Where files are involved, I do not want the application to be told:
dwmw2>  pkcs8:/foo/bar/key
dwmw2>  pkcs1:/foo/bar/key
dwmw2>  pkcs12:/foo/bar/key or
dwmw2>  tpmkey:/foo/bar/key
dwmw2> I only want the application to be told "/foo/bar/key"

Ah, yeah, ok, so basically have OpenSSL support the "TSS KEY BLOB" PEM
type would be a way to go, wouldn't you say?  That, or add functionality
to have PEM content handlers added dynamically, one for each PEM
content type.
Just please, that "pass the BIO" hack...  sorry, I'm not a supporter.

dwmw2> It should work out what the contents are for *itself*. Whether they be
dwmw2> PEM, DER, PKCS#n, TPM-wrapped blobs, or anything else.

Yeah, got it...  my thinking was on a tachnical level, that
'whatever.pem' would have to be handled by OpenSSL itself (or in URI
terms, by the 'file' scheme handler), while 'tpmkey:file=whatever.pem'
would be handled by the 'tpmkey' scheme handler, which is a different
story to me.

I dunno about you, but to me, the URI scheme is not the same as an
indication of what contents I'll get.  But i guess that's a matter of

dwmw2> And if the string it's given *isn't* a filename but is instead a
dwmw2> PKCS#11 URI or a TPM URI according to Nikos's spec, that should Just
dwmw2> Work too.

You *do* indicate those with a URI scheme, though ;-)

dwmw2> User pass string identifying key. Application Just Work™. dwmw2 happy.


Richard ( who'd be *much* happier if his fingers didn't constantly
          want to typ tmpkey ;-) )

Richard Levitte
OpenSSL Project
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