Just a reminder about this event taking place tomorrow!


On 23/03/17 17:57, Matt Caswell wrote:
> Hi all
> Our next "Code Health Tuesday" event will be on Tuesday 28th March.
> We've seen some great contributions during our last two events with many
> significant improvements merged as a result. We'd like to continue that
> trend with our next theme - documentation.
> Just find some missing documentation, write it and send us a PR on our
> github site. Or help us fix incorrect or out-of-date documentation, or
> broken links, etc.
> Thanks!
> Matt
> FAQ:
> Q: How do I participate?
> A: Find something to document. Create a Github pull request and  put
> “code health” in the title. We’ll be monitoring Github for quick turnaround.
> Q: Which branches should I target?
> A: You should target master. If documentation applies to earlier
> releases then please indicate which ones in the PR. Sometimes there are
> subtle differences between the different releases, so it may be
> necessary to create a different PR for older branches.
> Q: What form should the documentation take?
> A: All our documentation is in POD file format. Take a look in the doc
> directory and read a few of the pages to get used to our style. The
> doc/man3/BIO_printf.pod file is a good, recently written example. If you
> are providing missing documentation consider whether it should appear in
> a new POD file, or whether it should be added to an existing one.
> You can use the "doc-nits" script to run some basic checks on the
> documentation you have written (run "make doc-nits").
> Q: Do you have any tools to find what to document?
> A: Yes, the doc-nits tool (in the util sub-dir) can provide some useful
> info:
>     ./util/find-doc-nits –l (references to non-existing POD pages)
>     ./util/find-doc-nits –u (all undocumented public functions)
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