>>    I personally see no harm if these RNG objects are made available to 
>> applications that need/use them
> But decisions like this live forever.   It is therefore VERY important to 
> spend time thinking about what
> becomes part of the public API and what remains hidden so that we can change 
> things later when we
> have a better understanding.
No argument here, especially since I can’t claim to understand all the 
implications of exposing RNG (yet ;).
But it is clear that at least some applications need to work with an RNG more 
closely than others, and would want more control over its behavior. 

>   This concept is new to OpenSSL :)

:-) :-)

> But we just put out a 1.1.0 release that made things opaque, so it’s more 
> fresh in the minds of at
> least some of the dev team.

In general, making things opaque is a good idea, RNG included. But:

> Personally, since DRBG is new in 1.1.1 I would be quite happy if we didn’t 
> expose anything public
> until the release after that.
Even opaque objects usually have some public interface. I think exposing 
RAND_add_ex() would be a good idea for 1.1..1, and it’s likely to serve as an 
acceptable “live forever” API.

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