Can you also add -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sah256
See crypto/rsa/rsa_pmeth.c pkey_rsa_ctrl_str for the options.
There is also rsa_oaep_label

On 9/18/2017 10:46 AM, Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL wrote:
OpenSSL implementation of OAEP wrongly refuses to set the hash algorithm, 
preventing one from using SHA-2 family:

You'll probably need to pick up master and its -rsa_mgf1_md argument to pkeyutl.

*Thank you – better with “**-pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256**”. But still broken – as it affects only the MGF1 setting, but _not_ the hash setting. I’d say it still needs to allow “**-pkeyutl digest:xxx**” parameter.***

$ ~/openssl-1.1/bin/openssl version

OpenSSL 1.1.1-dev  xx XXX xxxx

$ ~/openssl-1.1/bin/openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -in t1264.dat -out 
t1264.dat.enc2.oaep -keyform DER -pubin -inkey rsa3072pub.der -pkeyopt 
rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256

$ yhsm2-tool --decrypt -m RSA-PKCS-OAEP --id 0301 -i t1264.dat.enc2.oaep -o 
t1264.dat.dec2 --hash-algorithm SHA256

Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)

Logging in to "YubiHSM".

Please enter User PIN:

Using decrypt algorithm RSA-PKCS-OAEP

*OAEP parameters: hashAlg=SHA256, mgf=MGF1-SHA256*, source_type=0, 
source_ptr=0x0, source_len=0

*error*: PKCS11 function C_Decrypt failed: rv = CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED (0x6)


$ yhsm2-tool --decrypt -m RSA-PKCS-OAEP --id 0301 -i t1264.dat.enc2.oaep -o 
t1264.dat.dec2 *--hash-algorithm SHA-1* --mgf MGF1-SHA256

Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)

Logging in to "YubiHSM".

Please enter User PIN:

Using decrypt algorithm RSA-PKCS-OAEP

*OAEP parameters: hashAlg=SHA-1, mgf=MGF1-SHA256*, source_type=0, 
source_ptr=0x0, source_len=0

$ cmp t1264.dat t1264.dat.dec2



 Douglas E. Engert  <>

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