On 23/10/17 12:51, APOB83 wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed the following statement in another thread here...
> *May I suggest you have a look at the GOST engine?  It does implement 
> the algorithm entirely in the engine.  The only things added in the 
> OpenSSL code are the OIDs (not strictly necessary) and the TLS 
> ciphersuites (I don't think that can be done dynamically at all, at 
> least yet). *
> This suggests to me that I might be able to build a new engine with the new
> crypto algorithms and then in the OpenSSL code, add the code necessary to
> build the new ciphersuites. Am I correct in how I'm reading this?

This is what was done for the GOST ciphersuites so, yes, it is
theoretically possible. However I think we are unlikely to add
significant code to libssl unless there is a reasonably sized user base.


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