
I came across wrong naming for some GOST-related stuff in object.txt. As
all this stuff was introduced by me, it's a separate problem.

First, I've erroneously translated the name of the Russian "Кузнечик"
algorithm as "grasshopper" instead of transliterating it as 'kuznyechik".
The transliteration has appeared as an official after the changes were
accepted into openssl.

Second, some other algorithm and parameter names were introduced with their
official names instead of reasonable short names. When they are used in the
command line applications, it's very inconvenient.

I'd like to fix these issues in the upcoming 3.0 release, so any ideas
about how to deal with it are welcome. Some of this stuff can be fixed on
the engine level, but it's better to avoid misleading naming.

SY, Dmitry Belyavsky

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