As well as normal reviews, attending regular OMC and OTC meetings, attending daily stand up meetings, responding to user queries, wiki user requests, OMC business, sys-admin, support customer issues, CLA submissions, handling security reports, etc., key activities this month:

- Investigated an issue where using a short ECX key resulted in an assertion
 failure. Created PR #17041 to fix this.

- Investigated a segfault on program exit (#17040) which was caused by having
 multiple versions of OpenSSL linked at the same time

- Wrote and subsequently merged the OTC design policy
- Investigated and found a solution for a user with connectivity issues (#17039)

- Wrote a proposed policy for accepting assembler optimisations
- Fixed an SSL_get_error() problem when used in async mode

- Fixed some errors in the EVP_PKEY_fromdata doc examples
- Investigated a problem with encoding of EC Public keys
- Investigated and fixed numerous threading issues
- Clarified the PEM docs to explain how to use libctx/propq with them
- Fixed an issue with incorrect detection of short ECX keys
- Clarified the EVP_CTRL_AEAD_SET_TAG documentation
- Investigated and fixed a symbol_presence test failure on windows
- Attended numerous design meeting
- Investigated a report of custom RSA_METHOD code not working as expected

- Investigated performance issues

- Created PR to not remove the doc/html directories when cleaning

- Attended a meeting with other open source groups regarding post quantum
- Various work transitioning our internal git repositories to Github Enterprise


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