My key activities this month were:

- triage of newly reported issues, investigating bugs, and responding 
  to questions
- participation on the meetings
- cooperation with Mark and Tim on the hiring process
- participation on QUIC design, proposal for congestion control
  pluggable algorithm API
- participation on the CVE-2022-0778 handling including the release

- reviews of various PRs:
  - I've reviewed more than 80 PRs this month
  - Notable PRs reviewed:
    - Add TFO support to socket BIO and s_client/s_server #8962
    - enable CMS sign/verify for provider-implemented PKEYs #17733
    - Add ASYNC_set_mem_functions ASYNC_get_mem_functions #17762
    - adding external oqsprovider testing #17832
    - Add SSL_kDHEPSK and SSL_kECDHEPSK as PFS ciphersuites for
SECLEVEL >= 3 #17763
    - EVP_MD performance fix (refcount cache contention) #17857
    - Remove statistics tracking from LHASH #17935
    - Decoder resolution performance optimizations #17921

- submitted 15 PRs:
  - In particular:
    - The PRs for all the branches handling CVE-2022-0778
    - Replace handling of negative verification result with
SSL_set_retry_verify() #17825
    - DH: Make padding always on when X9.42 KDF is used #17859
    - tls_process_server_hello: Disallow repeated HRR #17936
    - Import only named params into FIPS module #17998

Tomáš Mráz, OpenSSL

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