I am new to SSL and in trying to create my first certificate request, I am
having a problem.

Here is the configuration. I have downloaded and compiled openssl (v0.9.1c)
on Windows NT 4 with MS VC++ 6.0. I am ultimately trying create a secure
Web server using Openssl, mod_ssl and Apache 1.3.4 on Windows NT 4 (and
hoping to get mod_perl to work with this as well!)

I have followed the installation instructions and am now trying to generate
a certificate request that I can give to Verisgn to receive a trial 'Server
ID' (we are almost certainly going to use Verisgn as our permanent authority).

I first created a private key using ssleay without a problem.I then tried
to create a certificate signing request using the following command:
ssleay req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem

This is the response that I get:
Using configuration from /usr/local/ssl/lib/ssleay.cnf
Unable to load config info
Enter PEM pass phrase: (I enter my PEM pass phrase here)
unable to find 'distinguished_name' in config
problems making Certificate Request

According to the info that Verisgn has on their web site, I should be
prompted for information at this point, but ssleay just exits.

Please let me know if I have not done something in the configuration or if
there is anything I should be doing here. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Chris Brezil

Client/Server Application Development
City University of New York
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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