"Alexander Zinniker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!
> I'm using OpenSSL 0.9.3b and Net:SSLeay 1.05 with Perl 5.005_03. I
> have to connect to an SSL enabled server which also requires basic
> autentication, get some pages and post some forms. I tried for many hours
> now and it still does not work. There is no problem with the GET method, I
> get all I want.
> But if I try to submit some form content using post_https, the form content
> gets lost. I'm using the following script:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Net::SSLeay qw(post_https get_https make_form make_headers);
> use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
> ($page, $response, %reply_headers)
>  = post_https('myhost.com', 443, '/cgi-bin/alz.pl',
>          make_headers(                                                   
>                    'User-Agent' => 'Cryptozilla/5.0b1',
>                       'Authorization' =>  
>                       "BASIC".encode_base64("myuser:mypasswd")           
Missing a space here----------'

>                   ),
>          make_form('val1' => 'open',                                     
>                 'val2' => 'ssl'));
> print $page, "\n";
> print "Response:\n$response\n";

But then I noticed some other "problems" (not properly bugs in my
code, but anyway...). It seems MIME::Base64::encode() adds a newline
in the end, which causes things to be interpretted as if the HTTP
headers ended right there. For GETs (by luck) this does not seem to be
a problem, but for posts its fatal. Here's a snippet that works (and
makes all this very visible).

# from mail by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Usage: examples/post_auth.pl user pw www.bacus.pt 443 /a/t.x

use Net::SSLeay qw(post_https get_https make_form make_headers);
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);

($user, $pw, $site, $port, $url) = @ARGV;

$auth = 'BASIC '.encode_base64("$user:$pw");
warn ">$auth<\n";
chomp $auth;   # get rid of the gratuitous newline

$headers = make_headers('User-Agent' => 'Cryptozilla/5.0b1',
                        'Authorization' => $auth);
warn ">>$headers<<\n";

$form = make_form('val1' => 'open', 'val2' => 'ssl');
warn ">>>$form<<<\n";

($page, $response, %reply_headers)
    = post_https($site, $port, $url, $headers, $form);

print $page, "\n";
print "Response:\n$response\n";

The make_headers() will work around this in version 1.06. For the time being
here's a patched version of make_headers():

sub make_headers {
    my (@headers) = @_;
    my $headers;
    while (@headers) {
        my ($name, $data) = (shift(@headers), shift(@headers));
        chomp $data;  # MIME::Base64::encode adds a \n, chomp it, just in case
        $headers .= $name.': '.$data."\r\n";
    return $headers;

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