OpenCA Version SNAP-12-10-1999 RELEASED - Developer Release

  OpenCA - The Open Certification Authority Toolkit

  The OpenCA core team wants to announce the newly issued SNAPSHOT of the
  OpenCA software. We have recently created a new directory in our ftp site
  containing the most recent version of the software that is in an intermediate
  status (not yet a release version), so it is to be considered UNSTABLE but
  in most cases will add some functions you might want to test.


        This version is proposed as the code-freeze for the next release
        of the OpenCA software. You are STRONGLY encouraged to download
        it and report any bug before release date.

        No new features will be added to the new version, just bug fixing,
        so please contribute.

        Proposed Next Release Version : 0.1.10
        Proposed Release Date :         25 Oct 1999

  OpenCA Current features: 

  o Certification Authority can now import Requests, list certificate 
    requests, export certs, archivie requests, view archivied requests, 
    delete requests, issue certificates, verify RA operator identity; 

  o Certification Authority now verify the Approved Requests Signature
    of the RA's Operator;

  o Certification Authority now can generate its secret key, generate
    a CSR, export CSR, export CA certificate from its web interface;

  o Registration Authorities Server can list pending/deleted/archivied 
    requests, approve requests, export requests to removable media, 
    import new certs from removable media;

  o Registration Authority Server can import CA certificate;

  o Approved requests are now to be signed by the Operator;

  OpenCA differences between previous release (0.109a): 

  o RAServer code review, minor changes;

  o Large code review of the cgi-secure directory' programs: now all
    parameters are taken from a single configuration file;

  o Added apache startup scripts and example configuration files;

  o Major Installation Bugs Corrected;

  o CA Management section mostly completed;

  o Approved Request have now to be signed by the RA Operator (PKCS#7)
    through signedform;

  o More installation scripts;

  o Perl modules included in the base package ( in misc/perl-modules dir);

  o New patches for OpenSSL v0.9.4 included (as well as the ones for v0.9.3);

  o Support for last OpenSSL SNAPs without patches (use the very last);

  o New tool verify ( pkcs7 signature ) for OpenSSL v0.9.4 included and used to
    verify signatures on the CA;

  o Minor bug fixed;


   This release still is a developer-only version. Please refer to our web site on
   how to contribute to the project: you are strongly encouraged to contribute to
   the project so as to speed up community driven development, the best. Mailing
   lists are also available.

   Software Availability

   We consider the announced version the most reliable one, and we encourage users
   of older ones to upgrade their packages. Corrently you can find archives at our
   web site The site is currently slow and no mirrors have
   been set up so far, please be patient.

   Mirrors list:


   We hope you find this software useful and to receive many comments and/or proposal
   and/or code coming from the users' community. As soon as possible the project will
   be put under cvs for better revision control.

   Mirroring Notes

   If you plan to mirror us, please let us know as to make your ftp site available
   among the mirrors list.


   To contact us, please visit our web site where you will find any information on
   how to send your comments to us.

                                                                 Massimiliano Pala
                                                                ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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