
when I run SSL_read on a socket (as the client), where the server is
down, SSL_read returns with 0 - as there where no bytes to read from
socket. This is not true - the server is down and there will never be
something to read from server. Because the SSL_read command is non
blocking and is in a loop until the buffer is read - the resault is
endless loop.

Can anyone suggest a methood to check whether the SSL_read returns 0
because there is nothing to read or because socket is broken?

Tring to write into the socket would do (the 'regular' write returns
with signal SIGPIPE and return value of EPIPE) - but I don't want to
write into the socket. What can I do?

Thanks in advance,
  Amir Amit
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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