On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 07:51:38PM -0800, Claus Assmann wrote:

> I'm trying to write a server (using OpenSSL) that doesn't use
> patented algorithms, which means I have to restrict my server to
> TLSv1 or SSLv3 (right?), so I would like to use TLSv1 only, but
> then a "default" client (SSL23_method) does not talk to my server.

If you want to allow only TLSv1 in a server (which you actually don't
explicitly have to do if you want to avoid RSA -- configuring the
library with "no-rsa" is enough, as you can see by running "make test"
for the new beta release), you should use SSLv23_[server_]method and
disable the other protocol versions by setting the SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2
and/or SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 options.

The reason is that only SSLv23_[server_]method includes support for
backward-compatible client hello messages (SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 in SSL 2
format, and TLS 1.0 in SSL 3.0 format; the latter did not work in
OpenSSL 0.9.4 or earlier, but should work now).  If you use
TLSv1_[server_]method, the server will understand only pure TLS and
will not be able to communicate with clients that try to be
backward-compatible with older protocol versions, which is usually
the default for clients even though they may be able to speak TLS.

For clients, it's safe to use TLSv1_[client_]method if it's not
necessary to be able to interoperate with SSL 2 or SSL 3.0 servers.
This is because after the initial message from the client, both
parties know which exact procol version to use.
SSLv23_method always uses the SSL 2.0 format for client hello messages
(except when you're reusing an SSL object for an additional connection
-- this is because the object's method is changed when the protocol
version is negioated during the initial handshake), so it works only
with servers that either are SSL 2 servers or are backward-compatible
with the SSL 2 client hello format.

There *should* be a way to generate TLS 1.0 client hello messages
in the SSL 3.0 record format (the only difference is a version
byte in the record header), but this is not possible with OpenSSL
clients at the moment -- and it would be a problem because,
as noted above, earlier versions of the server were not able
to handle this case correctly.

> Is there a description which versions of TLS and SSL should be able
> to "talk" with each other? Here is my table of testing with openssl
> s_server/s_client; please let me know whether this is expected
> behaviour, and how I can solve my problem with "normal" clients.
>         server  tls1    ssl3    ssl2    no_tls1 no_ssl3 no_ssl2 default
> client
> tls1            +       -1      -2      -1      +       +       +
> ssl3            -3      +       -2      +       -4      +       +
> ssl2            -5      -5      +       +       +       -4      +
> no_tls1         -6      -7      +       +       +       +       +
> no_ssl3         -6      -6      +       -8      +       +       +
> no_ssl2         -9      -9      -8      +       +       +       +
> default         -9      -9      +       +       +       +       +
> Explanation: +: works, -: fails, the number referst to the list
> below, [...]

All this should be clear from the above explanation: tls1, ssl3, ssl2
servers accept only that one protocol; ssl2 can communicate with most
clients using SSLv23_[client_]method because such clients use the SSL
2 client hello data format.  no_tls1, no_ssl3, no_ssl2 servers
are compatible with about everything; obviously the handshake
cannot succeed if the client speaks *only* the disabled protocol,
and the combination of a no_tls1 server and a no_ssl3 client fails
because the server has no way to know that the client, which uses
the SSL 2 data format to request a TLS 1.0 connection, does not
support SSL 3.0.  (A more sensible client configuration
would be to combine no_tls1 and no_ssl3 instead of just using the latter.)
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