Thanks . I would do what you have suggested if I cannot find a way out.
But your suggestion doesnt actually solve my problem.
I want to use the SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa/dh_cb(.....,cb) so that i can decide on
what length key to use depending
on the cipher used.

So firstly i pre-generate 2 pairs of keys for RSA and DH, one of 512 bits and
the other 1024 bits.

I then store these  in the SSL_CTX using SSL_CTX_set_app_data(....).

In my callback I retrieve them from the SSL_CTX in the following way

RSA * CSetupCallbacks::SSLCallbackTmpRSA(SSL *pSSL, int isExport, int
    RSA *pRsa;
    pRsa = NULL;
    CCallbackData * pCbData = reinterpret_cast<CCallbackData
     if (!isExport) {
          if (nKeyLen == 512)
               pRsa = pCbData->m_p512BitRSAKey;
                pRsa = pCbData->m_p1024BitRSAKey;
     else {
          pRsa = pCbData->m_p512BitRSAKey;
    return pRsa;

 * Handle out the already generated DH parameters...

DH * CSetupCallbacks::SSLCallbackTmpDH(SSL *pSSL, int isExport, int nKeyLen)
    DH *pDh;
    pDh = NULL;
     CCallbackData * pCbData = reinterpret_cast<CCallbackData
        if (!isExport) {

            if(nKeyLen == 512)
               pDh = pCbData->m_p512BitDHKey;
               pDh = pCbData->m_p1024BitDHKey;

        else {

            pDh = pCbData->m_p512BitDHKey;
     return pDh;

Now these keys are returned so send_server_key_exchange to be used in the key
Assuming all is well when i cleanup SSL_CTX structure I do the following

 if (m_pSSLCTX)
  delete reinterpret_cast<CCallbackData *>(SSL_CTX_get_app_data(m_pSSLCTX)) ;


CCallbackData : : ~CCallbackData()
    if(m_pCRLStore != NULL)

     if(m_p512BitRSAKey != NULL)

     if(m_p1024BitRSAKey != NULL)

     if(m_p512BitDHKey != NULL)

     if(m_p1024BitDHKey != NULL)

then my application terminates with some DH key leaks though i seem to have
cleaned it up all
(The cipher causes a DH key exchange in my test case).
This is my problem and even after looking into the SSL code i'm more confused
than ever
Is there a clean way out?

One more thing!! How does SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE work with all this??


Bodo Moeller wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 05:10:12PM +0530, Amit Chopra wrote:
> >    I found that when my application terminates the temporary keys
> > generated leak.
> Directly after SSL_[CTX_]_set_tmp_{rsa,dh}, you may call {RSA,DH}_free
> for the key given in the parameter.  This is because the reference
> account is increased for RSA keys, and DH parameters are copied.
> >    So to clean it up I am storing some information like the temp DH key
> > generated during the handshake in the SSL ex_data structure [...]
> Doing this is unnecessarily complicated, see above.
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