Hi all,

I am writing a C++ wrapper class as an interface into certain openSSL
commands, and when I call SSL_write, I get a SIGBUS. I traced through with
gdb and where this call takes place, I tried to 'print ssl' I get:
$5 = (SSL*) 0x656e7449,
then I do 'print *ssl' I get:
Cannot access memory at address 0x656e7449

This is obviously the cause for the SIGBUS as SSL_write(ssl...) tries to
make use of this structure.

Here are my machine stats:

~ 73 >uname -a
SunOS candlestick 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
~ 74 >g++ --version
~ 76 >gdb --version
GNU gdb 4.17

Here is my class definition, constructor, and write function... if it will
help, Ill post all my code.  I get no return codes that would alert me to
any problems up until the SIGBUS.

Ive never seen anything like this before, anyone have any advise...

#ifndef __SSLWRAPPERH__
#define __SSLWRAPPERH__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern "C"
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

#include <OsTypes.h>

class SSLhandler
  char hostName[80];
  char request[200];
  int port;
  SSL *ssl;
  SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
  int sock;
  static bool initialized;

  SSLhandler(char *HostName,int Port=4433);
  void getEventKey(ulong eventID,char *key,uint16_t maxLen);
  SSLhandler(); //hide
  int prngSeed();
  void openSocket(char *host,int port);
  inline int writeSSL(char *request,int length);
  int readSSL(char *response,int maxLen);

#endif //__SSLWRAPPERH__


int SSLhandler::writeSSL(char *request,int length)
=>uint16_t ret = SSL_write(ssl,request,length);
#ifdef __DEBUG
  cout << "Bytes Written:"<< ret<< endl;
  cout << "Chars Written:"<< request << endl;
  return ret;
//This can throw a couple different string errors, be prepared!
SSLhandler::SSLhandler(char *HostName,int Port)
  : ssl(NULL),ssl_ctx(NULL),port(Port)
  if (initialized == false)
  { //One time per program execution
    if (prngSeed()==false) //Seed the random number generator!
      throw "PRNG Error";
    //Load all necessary support routines as definied by openSLL
    initialized = true;
  ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
  ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx);
  //openSocket could throw an error, otherwise sets up sock
  SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock);
  int result = SSL_connect(ssl);
  if (SSL_get_error(ssl,result) != SSL_ERROR_NONE)
    printf ("SSL Connect Errors!\n");
    while (ERR_peek_error()!=0)
    throw "SSL Error";

Brian Snyder.vcf

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