Hi list!!!

I have a very big trouble with my certificates.

i'm installing an apache 1.3.12 with openssl 0.9.5 in
a linux plataform with Linuxppp 6.2, and my problem

My insecure server is up, but with the secure web
serve listen on port 443, don't let me in.My browser
charge my certificate, but when i try to get in the
secure server, browser tells me that my certificate
isn't secure.

In my errors_log i'd been recived the next message

chil pid xxxxx exit signal aborted
Failed to conect to socket:

connect: conexion rehusada

Openserver: la declaracion '!"couldn't connect to
socket"´ no se cumple

/www/httpsd/src/gcache: allow denied
httpsd: apache_ssl.c:1486: cacheLauncher: la
declaracion ´0´ no se cumple

If somebody knows anything about it please tell me.
Thanks a lot.

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