"Salz, Rich" wrote:
> >Can somebody tell me if this method of seeding the RNG secure enough?
> It's not.  Not by a LONG shot.
> If an adversary can figure out what random data you started with, then s/he
> could duplicate all your important functions -- session keys, keygen, etc.
> In particular, the value of rand() depends only on the previous
> values of rand().  The first value of rand() depends on what you passed into
> srand().  So, all you are basically doing is seeding the random number
> generator with the current time.  Hardly random, hardly secure.
> On Win32, there's a function to load the PRNG from the screenbuffer.

Yes, there is RAND_screen and RAND_event and I have tried those out.
but what if the application ran on an embedded win32 box ? On win32
no random device, and on embedded systems no mouse or keyboard. Is
there a
freely available source of good random seed ?


> >additional seed in the form of PID, thread ID, system time, and
> >other private data.
> Of the items you listed, all of them could be easily guessed. :)
>         /r$
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