I don't know what CA.pl -pkcs12 does nor what it does expect. Anyway, if 
you simply need to create a PKCS12 file to import in netscape you need 
at least the file containing the private key (say for example 
newkey.pem) and the one with your certificate (say newcert.pem). If you 
also have your CA certificate file in, say, cacert.pem you can put in 
one PKCS12 file altogether by doing:

$>openssl pkcs12 -export -out mycerts.p12 -in newcert.pem -inkey 
newkey.pem -certfile cacert.pem

you will be asked for the private key encryption passphrase first, and 
then for a new passphrase to protect the PKCS12 package. It will create 
the file mycerts.p12 containing all the things you need.
Switch to netscape and import everything selecting mycerts.p12. You will 
be asked the passphrase protecting the package and the one protecting 
netscape's key repository, I don't remember in whitch order at the 
moment, pay attention to message boxes title. Netscape will import your 
certificate and private key and, more, your CA certificate. Remember to 
grant rights to your CA to let it verify your client certificate.
It seems difficult but it's not so.

> Hi,
> can you help me ?
> I have created the certificate using openssl.0.9.5a
> by the following commands.
> CA.pl -newreq
> CA.pl -signreq
> I have converted in to pkcs12 format by doing the following
> I have copied the private key from the file newreq.pem
> in to newcert.pem
> cacert.pem is in ./demoCA
> After that I have given the command
> CA.pl -pkcs12 "My Certificate"
> I have got the newcert.p12
> I couldn't import my certificate (newcert.p12) in Netscape 4.7
> I have got the following message  after entering the passphrase
> Unable to import certificates.The file specified is either corrupt
> or is not a valid file.
> Regards
> Vimalan.G

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