Simple GETs and POSTs work fine.

I think I figured out how to re-create the bug (not really a bug,
Crypt::SSLeay just needs better error handling):

1. I did a https POST to the server 
2. The server responded with a redirect
3. Not knowing any better I tried to re-POST to the redirected page.

Crypt::SSLeay dies with no error message.

I removed Crypt::SSLeay and Installed IO::Socket::SSL.

IO::Socket::SSL dies with this error:
        Connection reset by peer at Protocol/ line 265.
        500 (Internal Server Error) Connection reset by peer
        Client-Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:47:41 GMT

I later change my code to do a GET on the redirected page and everything
works fine for both modules.

-Stephen More

At 06:06 PM 1/15/01 -0800, Joshua Chamas wrote:
>What does ./net_ssl_test -d GET 443
>doe for you?  Can you give me the hostname so I can
>test it myself?
>Stephen More wrote:
>> When using Crypt::SSLeay and LWP::UserAgent I have come across a bug...
>> LWP/
>> eval {
>>         $response = $protocol->request( $request, $proxy, $arg, $size,
$timeout );
>>         };
>> After this eval, $response is uninitized, and $@ contains no error message.
>> I traced this to:
>> Protocol/
>>         warn "A";
>>         my $n = $socket->sysread( $buf, $size );                ##
Net::SSL->sysread( )
>>         warn "B";
>> The second warning "B" never shows up.
>> I traced this to:
>> Net/
>>         warn "1";
>>         my $n=*$self->{'ssl_ssl'}->read(@_);
>>         warn "2";
>> The second warning "2" never shows up.
>> Sparc
>> OS: Solaris 2.6
>> perl 5.004_01
>> openssl-0.9.6
>> Crypt-SSLeay-0.21
>> What else can I do to help track down this bug?
>> -Thanks
>> Stephen More
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