Bill Rebey wrote:
> How is it supposed to work?  My Web server is set up to be use the "Server"
> mode of SSL (using SSL_set_accept_state and SSLv3_server_method()), and it's
> trying to use anonymous SSL (DH, no certificates or private keys).  The
> cipher suite to use is specifically set via:
> SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list (pctxSSLContext, "!DEFAULT:ADH-DES-CBC3-SHA");
>  Is this wrong?  How should my server be set up to let Browsers connect to
> it?

Neither MSIE nor Netscape web browsers support ADH or indeed any kind of
DH at all. They only support RSA cipher suites.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
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Senior crypto engineer, Celo Communications:
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
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