Stephen Balukoff wrote:
> Howdy!
> I've recently written and released a gtk/entity based GUI for SSL
> certificate generation and management.  The goals of this software are to
> provide a simplified approach to the somewhat complicated matter of SSL
> certificates.  It uses the openssl executable in a 'shell-script on
> steriods' fashion to try to keep it as platform-independent as possible.
> (Basically, any *nix type system on which entity runs should be able to run
> this manager.)
> It's certianly not feature-complete yet, but I would still like to hear what
> y'all think of it.  I've tried to do things intelligently with it, but if
> you notice any bugs or brain-deadedness, or have suggestions for features
> you'd like to see, please let me know!
> You can find information on this software at:
> Thanks,
> Stephen
Wonderful way to bridge the last mile! I was looking
for a tool like this for a long time. 
Keep up the good work!

Quote for the day:
Time as he grows old teaches all things. -- Aeschylus
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