Title: FW: Re: SSLv2_method and SSLv23_method

I want to use SSLv23_method to create SSL_CTX for my client program. I worked OK if the server supports SSLv3 or TLS 1.0.

However, if the server only supports SSLv2 (as one of our current server) it seems that my program only negotiates SSLv3 and TLS 1.0.

If failed, it does not try to connect using SSLv2.

I then use the flag SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 to connect, but the result is still the same. It will work, if I use both SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 and

SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3. But in order to do this I have to try to connect using SSLv23_method() first with no flag. If failed, then I have to fee up everything and

try to connect using SSLv23_method with the two flags mentions above. This will slow down my application a great deal.

I wonder it I missing something. 

Thank you for any help you could provide.


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