This is the mail I sent last Friday that didn't seem to reach the list.

Since then I've made progress. Apparently the SSL_shutdown() function
cannot return -1! From reading the source I'd say it can only return 1 or
0. 1 if everything is completed and 0 otherwise, there are no error codes
involved at all. Am I right?

In any case my man page seems to be wrong.


----- Forwarded message from martin -----

Subject: SSL_shutdown() woes

Okay, bear with me here, because I'm writing an OpenSSL module for Python
and writing example (test) programs in Python that use it, so I'm not
quite sure where the problem is here...

In the OpenSSL module I've matched the SSL_ERROR_* with Python exceptions,
thus ZERO_RETURN raises an exception that has to be caught (;)) but I'm
having troubles here...

On my client side I'm sending a shutdown message, the servers thus gets a
ZeroReturnError and sends a shutdown, a close and then quits.

Trouble is, what SSL_shutdown seems to return on the client side, is 0,
and SSL_get_error says SYSCALL, but the error stack is empty, there is no
errno set... What's happening?

I really don't understand this :/


Martin Sjögren
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]              ICQ : 41245059
  Phone: +46 (0)31 405242        Cell: +46 (0)739 169191
  GPG key:

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