Title: ??: Please Help: Crypto library with Visual C++

i think all necessary files for your application is as follows:

openssl-0.9.6a/out32dll/ : ssleay32.dll & libeay32.dll
                        ssleay32.lib & libeay32.rls

openssl-0.9.6a/inc32/openssl - this directory contains all head files needed

you can do this by two means
first : you copy the inc32/openssl to the vc include directory such as
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\openssl ...
vc++ can find this head file automaticly.
this one seems much more easy ..haha

second ..you make a directory called include parallel to your project diectory..
copy openssl head files to this directory ..
then in  your project setting: c++ /preprocessor /additonal include directories ... add : ..\include

then all ok ..
have a good time


发件人: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]代表 Jordan C N Chong
发送时间: 2001年9月10日 15:43
收件人: openss-user
主题: Please Help: Crypto library with Visual C++

Dear All,

        Thousand thanks for your help. I really appreciate that. Your help really
means a lot to me...

        Now, the problem is about the VC setting,

        I am not sure how to set the directory settings for the project

        For example, I copied all the files from the directory "crypto" in the
"openssl-x-x" to another directory, and then rename it to "openssl". I
include the header file of envelope "evp/evp.h". But when I compile the
file, the compiler complains it couldn't find the file
"openssl/opensslconf.h" (which exists in the "crypto" directory).

        I hope you could understand my problem. So... I am really confused on how
to set up the directory. I don't want to modify all the header files. Is
there alternative ways? Please help. Thousand thanks. Wish you all the best.

Best regards,
Jordan Cheun Ngen, Chong
INF-4067 Universiteit Twente
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands

Distributed and Embedded Systems (DIES)
Office Phone: +31 53 4894655
Web site: http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~chong

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