Title: PEM_read_RSAPrivate_Key access violation

        I am trying to use the PEM_read_RSAPrivate_Key method. I do something like this

        FILE * fp = fopen ( "myprivatekey.pem", "r" );

        if (    PEM_read_RSAPrivate_Key ( fp , NULL, 0, "MyPassword" ) == NULL )
                // Wrong password

        the PEM_read_RSAPrivate_Key method is throwing an access violation and I do not know why. I debuged OpenSSL and the line that is throwing it is the fgets ( buf, len, (FILE*)bp->ptr); Now in my debug session, buf is valid, len is valid ( set at 254 ), and bp->ptr is valid, it returns the same address as the one I created with the fopen. I do not understand how this could happen. Does anyone have any insight? Or know of a different way to use PEM_read_RSAPrivate_Key. Thanks.

static int MS_CALLBACK file_gets(BIO *bp, char *buf, int size)
        int ret=0;

        fgets(buf,size,(FILE *)bp->ptr);
        if (buf[0] != '\0')

Andrew T. Finnell
Software Engineer
eSecurity Inc
(321) 394-2485

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