Hi Steve,

Here is a pkcs12 fomat file in attached document.
I reproduced all steps below with at the beginning, a serial number "00"
in serial file.

Password of the pckcs12 file: steve

User Key and Req:
openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout \
./member/averroesKey.pem -out ./member/averroesReq.pem

Sign the Req with Root-CA
openssl ca -in ./member/averroesReq.pem -days 730 -out ./member/averroesCert.pem

Convert User cert in pkcs12 format for Netscape Comm 4.7:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ./member/averroesKey.pem \
-in ./member/averroesCert.pem -name "Ave" -certfile ./CA-Cert.pem \
-caname "Root CA" -out ./member/averroesCert.p12

This time, I managed to import the Certificate since I got
the successful message, but nothing appeared in my browser.
No user Cert and No Root-CA Certificate.

Unbelievable !!!


Dr S N Henson wrote:
> If you still get that behaviour send me the PKCS#12 file doing,
> including the password, that and I'll see if I can trace what the
> problem is.
> Steve.

# .- ...- . .-. .-. --- . ... .- .-.-.- .- -.-- ... .... .-
# Averroes A. Aysha
# Think Linux, Think Slackware!
# e-fingerprint = 73B7 2559 2968 5094 3B95 5C70 4E85 5F94 6068 1DD8
# http://www.keyserver.net/en/
# .- ...- . .-. .-. --- . ... .- .-.-.- .- -.-- ... .... .-


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