

  1. openssl genrsa -des3 -out clientX.key 1024
  2. openssl req -new -key clientX.key -out clientX.req
  3. edit the /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf and set  nsCertType = client, email
  4. openssl ca -in clientX.req -out clientX.pem
  5. Now you have to make a PKCS12 file that must be imported in your client browser: openssl pkcs12 -keyfile clientX.key -cert cacert.pem -in clientX.pem -out clientX.p12
  6. edit the httpd.conf to require client authentication
That's all


"Andres Pastor, Nuria" a écrit :

 Hi,I have installed an Apache Server with mod_ssl and the Openssl Libraries without problems. Besides I have generated a certicate temporal server but now I want to know if  I can generate web client certificates. I mean, I want that my server accepts web client certificates of my partners, so I need that all of my partners install a web client certificate in your navigator (IE, Netscape). How can I  generate a web client certificate temporal?.Many thanks.Nuria


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