As can be seen from your post, the certficate being sent does NOT have as the common name (CN) of the Subject: the CN is

It  appears to be some kind of canned test certificate and private key, but
I'm not familiar enough with UW-IMAP to know if it comes with such a beast.
Maybe you concatented the wrong files?

Greg Stark

----- Original Message -----
From: "Corin Hartland-Swann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: Problems with pop3s on Outlook Express

> Hi there,
> I have been trying to set up pop3s access using UW-IMAP. I am using
> Mandrake Linux 8.1, with UW-IMAP and OpenSSL installed as RPMs, so I don't
> think that there are any compilation problems.
> I hope that it is acceptable to post this to both the OpenSSL and the
> UW-IMAP mailing lists, as I'm not sure where the problem lies. I have
> already searched the archives for both lists to no avail.
> I have followed instructions from various sources and done the following:
> 1) Created a new CA, and exported the certificate as DER:
> # openssl req -new -x509 -config openssl.conf -keyout private/ca-key.pem \
>               -out certs/ca-cert.pem -days 365
> # openssl x509 -in certs/ca-cert.pem -out certs/ca-cert.der -outform der
> 2) Imported the CA certificate into Explorer on Windows 2000, checked that
> it is listed and that the SHA1 thumbprint matches, and that it is enabled
> for Secure E-Mail.
> 3) Imported the CA certificate into Explorer on MacOS 9.1, and checked
> that it is listed. In this case, even after several attempts, the
> "fingerprint" listed by Explorer does not match any of the MD2, MD5, SHA1
> or MDC2 fingerprints. I don't understand this, but am fairly sure that
> no-one is intercepting and replacing the key in transit. explorer
> produces the same fingerprint each time, so it doesn't look like it has
> been corrupted either. Eventually I decided to just add the certificate
> and see what happened.
> 3) Set up Outlook Express on both Windows 2000 and MacOS 9.1 to use
>, and configured it to use SSL on port 995.
> 4) Created a new key, and sign it with the CA with the common name
> '':
> # openssl req -new -nodes -config openssl.conf -days 365 -keyout \
>               pop-key.pem -out pop-req.pem
> # openssl ca  -config openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -in pop-req.pem
>               -out pop-cert.pem
> 5) Concatenated pop-key.pem and pop-cert.pem into ipop3sd.pem (removing
> the text version), placing them on the POP server in /usr/lib/ssl/certs/,
> and created a link to it with the name of the hash:
> # cd /usr/lib/ssl/certs/
> # ln -s ipop3sd.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash < ipop3sd.pem `.0
> # ls -l
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           11 Oct 26 13:27 a37eafc7.0 ->
> -rw-------    1 root     root         2376 Oct 26 02:01 ipop3sd.pem
> 6) Tested the setup with (long response indented):
> # openssl s_client -connect
> > CONNECTED(00000003)
> > depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
> > Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
> > verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
> > verify return:1
> > depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
> > Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
> > verify error:num=27:certificate not trusted
> > verify return:1
> > depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
> > Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
> > verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
> > verify return:1
> > ---
> > Certificate chain
> >  0 s:/C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
> > SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
> >    i:/C=CA/ST=QC/L=Montreal/O=Advanced Extranet Server/OU=Secure Web
> > Division/CN=Advanced Extranet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Apache binary I'm using is from an RPM based on the Apache Advanced
> Extranet Server project - I'm not sure what this is doing here. I can't
> find a certificate for AAES anywhere, and certainly not in
> /usr/lib/ssl/certs/
> > Server certificate
> <snip>
> > 4DHr8RxsPMpJktVBLB4HadC13ykLMVDMgJ88W39E
> > -----END CERTIFICATE-----
> > subject=/C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
> > Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
> > issuer=/C=CA/ST=QC/L=Montreal/O=Advanced Extranet Server/OU=Secure Web
> > Division/CN=Advanced Extranet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ---
> > No client certificate CA names sent
> > ---
> > SSL handshake has read 856 bytes and written 320 bytes
> > ---
> > New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DES-CBC3-SHA
> > Server public key is 1024 bit
> > SSL-Session:
> >     Protocol  : TLSv1
> >     Cipher    : DES-CBC3-SHA
> >     Session-ID:
> > 6A6D0C3C40E1D4921514C5DB2EF475DD6454B84F7300980D53373906B3236C7C
> > Session-ID-ctx:
> >     Master-Key:
> >
> >     Key-Arg   : None
> >     Start Time: 1004105856
> >     Timeout   : 300 (sec)
> >     Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)
> > ---
> > +OK POP3 v2000.70mdk server ready <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So it appears to be finding the certificate, but doesn't seem to know
> which CA authorised it.
> When I try the Outlook setup, I get a message saying "The server you are
> connected to is using a security certificate that does not match its
> Internet address". When I googled for this message I found numerous people
> saying that this is because the common name on the certificate does not
> match the host name specified in the preferences - this is not the case
> here, both of them are ''. If I hit "No" it gives me a
> further error message "Error Number 0x800CCC1A"
> I tried the same setup on Outlook Express for Macintosh, and this gives me
> a messages saying "Unable to establish a secure connection to localhost.
> There is a problem with the security certificate from that server. Use
> Internet Explorer to install the correct certificate. If you continue, the
> information you view and send will not be secure." If I hit "Stop" it
> gives me a further error message "The identity certificate has expired.
> Error 3002".
> On both Windows 2000 and MacOS 9.1, if I tell it to proceed anyway then it
> correctly downloads e-mail over the secure connection. My problem is how
> to get rid of these messages, and make Outlook correctly identify the POP
> server.
> I have tried importing the mail server certificate into Explorer on both
> platforms (although I'm fairly sure you don't have to do this, and that it
> is sent when the SSL connection is established). That didn't help.
> I have also tried putting the CA certificate onto the server in
> /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ - but that didn't help either, or change the messasge
> I got above using s_client.
> Does anyone have any suggestions of what I might be doing wrong? If it
> helps then please feel free to connect to using
> s_client.
> Many Thanks,
> Corin
> /------------------------+-------------------------------------\
> | Corin Hartland-Swann   |    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 2000        |
> | Commerce Internet Ltd  |    Fax: +44 (0) 20 7491 2010        |
> | 22 Cavendish Buildings | Mobile: +44 (0) 79 5854 0027        |
> | Gilbert Street         |                                     |
> | Mayfair                |    Web: |
> | London W1K 5HJ         | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
> \------------------------+-------------------------------------/
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