Title: RE: Cryptology Questions
Yes, the digest is used to validate that the data wasn't altered.  Remember that anyone can calculate the digest of a message.  If the digest wasn't encrypted with your private key, then someone could change the data, recompute the digest, and exchange the original digest with the newly computed one.  Encrypting the MD with your private key prevents that from occurring.  That, in a nutshell, is digitally signing a document.
Regarding key distribution, no one but the owner should have access to the private key.  What reason would the server have for sending a client their public AND private key?  To ensure confidentiality and integrity, the key pair should (must?) be generated by the client.  It is the job of the CA to sign the certificate (which contains among other things the owner's public key).  The private key itself is not contained within the cert.  You should read up on certificate requests to clarify some issues.  For whatever reason, if you are attempting to generate and supply both keys to you clients, you have to have a very secure environment.  More problematic is that, because you have both keys, I am not guaranteed that someone at your company couldn't impersonate me if I were a client...
Certificates themselves are public.  Anyone can, and does, have knowledge of their contents.   OpenSSL comes with some of the major CA signing certificates in use.  You will find them in the openssl/certs directory.  You indicate to OpenSSL which of these certs you trust to sign other certs.  You can obtain these certs directly from the vendor if you don't trust the ones in the distribution.  It is the public key contained within these CA certs that is used to decrypt the MD of the server certificate received during the SSL connection that was encrypted (signed) with the issuing CA's private key.  And yes, a possible attack would be that someone could add their own version of a "verisign" root cert to your store, hijack a DNS server to reroute your IP connection to another server, then use that server to act as a proxy to the original server.  Fortunately, this is not an easy thing to accomplish since many machines need to be compromised.  The attacker would still not have access to your private key though.
Sleep tight!  hehe

 -----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Finnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: Cryptology Questions

    Thanks for the quick response. You actually helped me understand some aspects that I didnt truely understand before. For example the message digest. I did not know it was a checksum to validate that the data wasn't altered.

--- More questions( better questions I guess? )

    Regarding brute force attacks on the private key, what other mechanism is there to protect these keys and distribute them for that matter. For instance is it valid to have a server send a client it's public/private key pairs to use. Then reconnect the server with those keys. The security would come into play because the client needs to know the password to decrypt the private key that it was sent. Is this a good way to distribute client public/private keys? Sneaker footing/emailing the keys or methods that aren't "automated" or easy to use isn't really available to me.

     As for importing the X.509 certificate, I am focusing on adding it to the certificate chain. How are most certificates stored? Is it just as simple as opening up the certificate.pem(client cert) file and performing some openssl operations to add a cacert.pem(server cert) to the chain? This seems to easy and to prone to attacks. Anyone could just open the file and add there ca.

BTW, thanks for the help anyone can give me. I know everyone is busy and I dont demand that people answer :) I just find that mailing lists like these are full of people that have the answers.

Andrew T. Finnell
Software Engineer
eSecurity Inc
(321) 394-2485


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