
I encountered a problem (might be a silly one you think) when I install 0.9.6c. 
 My system is windows 2000, ActivePerl-, and MSVC++ 6. 
 Please see below. 

C:\>cd C:\openssl-engine-0.9.6c
 C:\openssl-engine-0.9.6c>perl Configure VC-WIN32 

'perl' is not recongnized as an internal or external command, operable program
or batch file.

It seems that I did not install Perl. However, I have downloaded activeperl.
THen I unzip the ActivePer- into a folder  which I named
'Perlinstall'.  I found a folder 'ActivePerl' and a MS-DOS Batch file
'installer' under it. So I ran installer  by default and C:\Perl appeared
later. Then I tried C:\Perl\bin> Perl eg\example.pl
It returned : Hello from ActivePerl!  Seems everything OK. But...
What need I to do??

Thank you very much for any suggestion. I need to use OpenSSL urgently.


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