Well, using EVP functions is not too difficult 
    1) init context
            EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx;
    2) init cipher
            EVP_CipherInit(&ctx, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), key, iv, encrypt);
    3) encrypt/decrypt data while available
            EVP_CipherUpdate(&ctx, out, &outLen, in, inLen);
    4) encrypt/decrypt the last block
            EVP_CipherFinal(&ctx, out, &outLen);
    5) cleanup context

You can also take a look at test/evp_test.c file in OpenSSL package.

Aleksey Sanin.

Stella Power wrote:

>I'm afraid that I couldn't find any examples on how to use the EVP functions, and 
>still do not know how I would go about implementing it.  The only restriction I have 
>on my code is that the encrypted input file is 3DES ECB encrypted.
>On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 09:03:42AM -0700, Aleksey Sanin wrote:
>>Do you have any reason to do not use EVP_Cipher*() functions instead of
>>low-level des_ecb3_encrypt()? EVP functions provide very good abstraction
>>layer and hide many algorithm specific details.
>>Aleksey Sanin.
>>Stella Power wrote:
>>>I'm trying to use the crypto library to decrypt a file which has been 
>>>encrypted using triple-DES.
>>>I have the following declarations:
>>>char *temp;
>>>char **elines;
>>>des_cblock *input;
>>>I have a function which parses the file and grabs the encrypted strings
>>>     temp = parse_file(&mapped_file);
>>>I then set elines[i] = temp;
>>>However I can't pass elines[i] to des_ecb3_encrypt() as it is not declared 
>>>as des_cblock.
>>>Is there any way of casting it, passing it, some way of passing the data 
>>>returned by the parse_file() function to des_ecb3_encrypt()?
>>>Also, am I right in thinking that des_cblock being defined the way it is , 
>>>that you can only decrypt in batches of 8 characters??
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