>I like to buy a certificate from verisign or thawte that allows me to
>sign other certificates. The test certificate produced have the
>extension CA:FALSE. I'm not sure if I can sign anything with this kind
>of certificate, please advise...

No you can't sign anything with that.

What you need is what I think they call a "cross-signing cert", last time 
I looked (about 2 years ago) you needed about 100K US to buy one.

>What happens when the certificate expires, how to renew it without
>having to renew other certificates?

You can't.  Your CA certificate life cycle must be longer than any 
certificates issued by it.

Dean Povey,              |em: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  JCSI: Java security toolkit
Senior S/W Developer     |ph:  +61 7 3023 5139    | uPKI: Embedded/C PKI toolkit
Wedgetail Communications |fax: +61 7 3864 1282    | uSSL: Embedded/C SSL toolkit
Brisbane, Australia      |www: www.wedgetail.com  | XML Security: XML Signatures 

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