Hello to all I am a student and a new user of openssl
I was using this command on my shell
but from where i should get these files
~/testcerts/ssl-client-key.pem -showcerts -prexit -state -ssl3
I donot have them even in my /usr/local/include/openssl 
Someone please tell as I am very much curious to know
everything about openssl.
On Thu, 16 May 2002 Kroh Olaf wrote :
>I 've sent a request to a ssl-server that does not work with 
>http, only with
>Here the command line:
>openssl s_client -connect x.x.x.x:443 -cert 
>-key ~/testcerts/ssl-client-key.pem -showcerts -prexit -state 
>The output was:
>connect: Connection refused
>no peer certificate available
>No client certificate CA names sent
>SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 0 bytes
>New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
>I created a rand.rnd file and set the RANDFILE variable 
>The only thing I found about error code 146 in the sources is the 
>ssl.h:#define SSL_F_SSL3_GET_SERVER_HELLO                        
>ssl.h:#define SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG                         
>What does this mean? What did go wrong? What is error code 146?
>Best regard, Olaf Kroh
>Olaf Kroh
>TEGARON Telematics GmbH
>Am Propsthof 74
>53121 Bonn
>Voice: +49 (0)228 5201-362
>Fax:                  -309
>OpenSSL Project                                 
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