On Thu, 16 May 2002, Martinez Bernardo · Maria Elena wrote:

> You have a Client Certificate from Verisign and you can't use it to sign a
> new certificate.
> You need a CA certificate, which it is the type of certificate that it's
> able to sign. To obtain this kind of certificate from Verisign, you have to
> buy "Verisign On Site" product (I think that's the product name), and you
> will become a Certification Authority.

Exact. The real product name is "VeriSign Public OnSite" (because you also
have Private OnSite), and you'll be able to deliver certificates under the
VeriSign Class 2 Primary CA.

If you need some pricing, you can contact us (www.certplus.com), but this
solution is too expensive for a private use.

You can create your own private CA using OpenSSL command line tools.

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